ADHD suggestions

ADHD: Any solutions?

ADHD or attention deficit disorder is a condition effecting young school aged children, especially boys. Most importantly, children with this condition are unable to control their behavior and lack the ability to pay attention.  Estimates show that 3-5 percent of children have ADHD.  ADHD is a commonly diagnosed childhood behavior..  It usually extends into adult life and causes difficulties in job performance and day to day living.


Generally, the symptoms below must be obvious and have a major effect on a child’s school, social relationships , or home life;


Unable to sit quietly

Runs, climbs or leaves situations at inappropriate times

Talks excessively


Has difficulty waiting in a line or taking turns

Interrupts or is intrusive

Easily distracted

Does not pay attention to detail

Makes careless mistakes, in a rush

Has difficulty organizing

Consistently loses things 

Does not follow directions

Does not follow through on tasks

ADHD Causes

For the most part, different brain activity, chemistry and or genetics are generally the underlying cause of ADHD. . Likewise, food additives and environmental toxins such as cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, lead exposure, pesticides and other toxins are also contributing factors.

ADHD Conventional Treatment

For starters, the generally used conventional treatment for ADHD is behavioral therapy.  As a result, this type of treatment helps to change a child’s conduct by rewarding a desired behavior.  However, if this is unsuccessful additional therapy may include drugs such as stimulants, antidepressants and some non stimulants.

ADHD Non Conventional Treatments

Similarly, there are some non-conventional treatments that have proven successful in treating ADHD. Certainly,  It would be wise to speak with your child’s doctor about proper dosage and usage .  Most importantly, these treatments are generally considered safe, natural options.

Legend Heated Lunchbox for Kids

Fish Oil

Additionally, fish oil, an essential fatty acid serves to increase the brain’s functioning.  Specifically, it affects the brain’s activity to enhance mood and focus. 

Calcium and Magnesium 

Moreover, calcium and magnesium each have a relaxing effect on the nervous system.  One specific trial conducted found ADHD children were very low on magnesium.


According to a study children with ADHD were also zinc deficient.

Staff Writer

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