how to cope with asthma


Asthma can be checked, managed and tested. Below are eleven tips to living with asthma.

 Blow Up A Balloon

If you have a respiratory condition such as asthma, emphysema or bronchitis, you can strengthen your lungs by blowing up a balloon 40 times through the course of a day

Swimming and Asthma

Swimming is a good exercise for asthmatics because the air is moist and because they have to practice breath control.  Most importantly, It is one of the very few exercises that actually increases lung volume.

Diaphragmatic Breathing Exercise

This exercise strengthens the muscles around your lung. First,  In a sitting position, place your hands on the lower abdomen.  Next, exhale completely through the mouth while pushing on your abdomen, at the same time contracting the abdominal muscles.

In addition, breathe in through the nose until your hands on your abdomen separate.  Finally, hold your breath to a count of 10.  Repeat 10 times.

Expectorants and Asthma

A few drops of potassium iodide in water ia an effective expectorant that helps to clear mucous from the lungs.

Hot Pepper and Asthma

Hot Pepper (cayenne)  loosens mucous in the asthmatics and helps to open up the blood vessels and allow more oxygen to enter the lungs.

Beware of Cold Air

Asthmatics who exercise outdoors in cold weather should use a mask over their noses and mouths to keep inhaled air warm.

Cold Showers and Asthma

Take a cold shower to relieve an asthma attack.

Test For Lung Problems

To test for lung problems, such as asthma, bronchitis and emphysema, hold a lighted match at arm’s length and try to blow it out. On the other hand,  If you have to bring it within six inches of your face to blow it out, you have a lung problem.

Latex Sensitivity

People with asthma are often allergic to latex products which cold precipitate an asthmatic attack. Therefore they should be wary of coming in contact with latex materials such as condoms and gloves.

N.A.C. Expectorant and Asthma

N.A.C. (N. Acetyl Cysteine, an amino acid), 600 mg four times daily is a useful expectorant for asthma patients.

Magnesium Deficiency and Asthma

Latest studies show asthmatic patients may have a magnesium deficiency. So, supplementing with 500 mg of magnesium citrate or magnesium aspartate three times daily will help relax muscle spasms. However, if diarrhea occurs , cut back the dosage.

Staff Writer

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