foods that prevent cancer

Foods That Prevent Cancer – How To Tell Warning Signs

Perhaps no other disease receives as much attention today as cancer.  Actually, cancer is not one disease but over 100 different diseases that share a common problem: the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. Below are some foods that prevent cancer.

No one who has cancer should attempt self-treatment.  Anyone who has- or suspects that he or she might have – cancer should consult a health professional.

Precisely how effective specific natural healing techniques are in cancer cases is the subject of much controversy, and the dispute will probably continue for years to come.  On the one hand , natural healers report success in dealing with cancer in some cases.  On the other hand, medical and government organizations claim that so-called ”natural treatments” are simply obstacles preventing patients from receiving valuable help.

There is evidence, however, that most cancers are caused by controllable factors.  Dr. Marvin A, Schneiderman, Chief Statistician of the National Cancer Institute, said that the number of cancer cases could be very drastically cut if people would change their lifestyles. [Judith, Randall, “Help Yourself to Stave Off Cancer,” New York Daily News, March 31, 1976.]

Although most cancers are caused by controllable factors, we can make no guaranty or claim, even when we have substantial evidence.  There are far too many factors involved.  Simply put, the subject of cancer is as complicated as it is controversial.

Causes of Cancer

Since “cancer” is really is over 200 different diseases, there could possibly be over 100 different causes.  The causes that have been most closely associated with cancer are:

  • Excessive exposure to the sun
  • Certain chemicals found in our air and our water
  • Certain food additives
  • Viral infections
  • Ionizing radiation
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiencies
  • Negative emotions in certain types of cancer
  • Aflatoxins in peanuts
  • Excessive use of dietary fats
  • Carcinogens found in meats

Common Warning Signs

Spotting one or more of the common symptoms of cancer does not necessarily “prove” anything.  Many cancer symptoms are also symptoms of other, less serious disorders. In any case, before you jump to conclusions, discuss all your symptoms with a knowledgeable physician, one who will take the time to evaluate among other things, your lifestyle, your emotional and family history, and your eating and exercise habits.

The most common warning signs are:

  • Change in bladder or bowl patterns
  • Chronic cough or hoarseness
  • Constant indigestion
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Thickening of tissue anywhere on the body (especially on the breast)
  • Major change in a mole or a wart
  • A sore that refuses to heal
  • An unusual discharge
  • Unusual bleeding

In addition, there are a number of less common warning signs.

  • Unusual and chronic headaches accompanied by unusual behavior and changes in visual perception
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Chronic low-grade fever
  • Constant pain in the bones with apparent cause
  • Excessive bruising of the skin
  • Loss of appetite, unusual weight loss , or both

Preventing Cancer- the Basics

  • Give up smoking
  • Give up alcohol
  • Follow a diet for foods that prevent cancer
  • Limit your exposure to radiation.  Use a protective shield ( such as mammograms)
  • Avoid excessive exposure to sun.  use a sunscreen whenever possible
  • Always follow safety regulations strictly, if your job places you in contact with any carcinogens

Foods that Prevent Cancer

Take a solid step toward preventing the incidence of cancer by following a carefully planned food program.  Here are just some suggestions:

  • Increase your intake of cruciferous vegetables ( cabbage and cauliflower, for example)
  • Whole grains, beans, and high carotene foods such as carrots, collard greens, spinach, cantaloupe, beet greens, broccoli, apricots, papaya, prunes, peaches, watermelon, and squash  ( butternut, acorn, and zucchini )
  • Include strawberries and tomatoes in your diet.  A low intake of both these foods have been associated with an increased risk of cancer
  • Take 4 tablespoons of pureed asparagus daily
  • Be sure to eat beans.  Beans contain a protease inhibitor, which may block cancer.
  • Reduce the amount of fat in your diet to no more than 20 percent of your total caloric intake.  To do so, avoid or drastically cut your intake of vegetable oil, margarine, meat and poultry,  If you do eat poultry, remove the skin.  Also cut your intake of high fat dairy products which include whole milk, sour cream, butter, cream cheese and other cheeses.
  • Reduce your protein intake to between 12 and 18 percent of your diet
  • Avoid refined sugars whenever possible
  • Increase your intake of high fiber foods
  • Increase your intake of foods high in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E , vitamin B complex, and selenium
  • Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, especially dark green and deep yellow vegetables
  • Do not eat foods that have been smoked, pickled or barbecued.  They contain carcinogens.
  • Avoid any foods that contain nitrates and nitrites, additives commonly found in deli meats, bacon, and smoked fish, for example.  These additives react with the body’s amines to form nitrosamine compounds, which may cause cancer.  If you do eat these foods occasionally increase your intake of vitamin C, Vitamin C interferes with the formation of nitrosamines. 
  • Avoid frying or broiling meats.  The process of frying or broiling produces at least eight chemical mutagens that might contribute to certain types of cancer.  Instead, learn how to steam, boil, bake, pressure cook, stew, and poach your foods.
  • Use stainless steel cookware.  Do not use copper or aluminum cookware.

  • Add foods rich in vitamins A and C to your diet
  • Drink distilled water.  If you must drink chlorinated tap water, boil the water first.  Avoid fluoridated water.  Researchers have linked an increased cancer rate in certain cities to the presence of fluoridated water there.
  • Increase your intake of dietary fiber, particularly whole grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables.  Women with breast cancer have been found to excrete less ligna, a substance that is formed in higher amounts in fiber rich diets and that probably plays a protective role.
  • Avoid alcohol.  Men who drink beer heavily may be predisposed to cancer of the rectum and bowels.  Women who drink alcohol beverages have a higher chance of developing breast cancer.

These are just some suggestions of foods that can prevent cancer.

Health Staff Writer

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